Jumpin jacks

Today we are going to talk about how to jump your bike.I bet you smaller folks are wondering how are we supposed to do it?But that will be no problem.So the first step is grab on really tight.Then your feet will come toward the center of the bike then jump and pull up your bike.But when you land you got put your feat back on the petals.



Now I’m going to teach you something I call a jack.but the hole reason I made it was because of skateboarding.Ok but a jack is when tuck your head in and turn you bike side ways which makes you come to a complete stop after like two seconds.Ok the first step is To go pretty fast.Then tuck and turn to the side your non domanit hand then you slide across the ground and that is a jack.


Ok the final thing is a jumpin jack so if you dare do this you can but read the warning which I suggest using it.All you have to do is repeat all of the step but the landing on how to jump your bike.Ok bye and have fun

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