3,2,1, GO

Welcome back today we are going to learn about bike races ok now lets begin.There are many different types of bike races what bike should I get that is the question what bike should I use what races.

To start lets talk about what type of bikes there are first there are just normal bikes.

Second there are gear bikes which only have normal sized wheels.

Third there are street bikes, street bikes have thin wheel and can have up to twenty five gears.

And last of all there are mountain bikes, mountain bikes always have gears they also have big thick wheels.

Now we are done with the different types of bikes.

Now lets talk about the different races first of all there can be bike races on concrete.The second type of race there is is a race on rocks and dirt.Third there is races on the road and that is it for the different races.

and finally we are to the mane course of this blog post.Now I will tell you what bikes go with which races and maybe one mite surprise you, now we will begin the most important part of the entire blog post, time to begin.are first Mach is street bikes they do best on the street races.Second mountain bikes they go with dirt and rocks and now gear bikes and normal bikes they do best on concrete races.

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