My Ideal World

My Ideal World

My ideal world is named Ducky In A Tutu Land. In my ideal world there is a Duke UNC Care Kit for kids so they can be happy while getting treatment. One thing I would have is that no one has a bad day. In my ideal world, I can make anything happen besides hurting people or hurting things. I heart ducks.

In my ideal world everyone is equipped with everything they need. I want this because then we don’t have to worry about poverty. There is also a variety of free pets. Here we make sure everyone has access to jobs and entertainment. In Ducky In A Tutu Land war does not break out unless necessary while people can not be forced to stay somewhere unless by the government.

In Ducky In A In Tutu Land on Christmas whatever you wish, you get. Here holidays are also celebrated with parties and if you talk in front of someone about it they’re invited. In Ducky In A In Tutu Land nobody has no one to talk to so kids and adults never feel lonely. Here no one can have a serious injury or disease. On this planet all animals can’t be hurt or killed and they can’t hurt us.

On Ducky In A In Tutu Land the technology is very advanced. For example, all of our cars are self driving but if you want to drive you can. Any living animal or being caught by sensors will cause the car to come to a safe stop. The cars built with special suspension to it is a smooth ride.

1 Comment on My Ideal World

  1. Mr. Harris
    March 5, 2023 at 9:19 pm (1 year ago)

    Ducky In A Tutu land is a beautiful place! I want to live there. The world you created is so rich with compassion and empathy. It is wonderful to think of a place where nobody has a bad day and all creatures are safe. You are a caring person and I hope you MAKE each day a Ducky In A Tutu day…

    Is that your hand holding the duck?

    ~Mr. Harris


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