Archive of ‘6th Grade’ category

Camp Hanes

Camp Hanes

It was a day to remember starting next to two huge buses. Waiting to load up we all started to drop our stuff and make some conversation. We all knew what was coming and was all we could think about. It was called Hurricane Ian, a category four hurricane to keep our minds on. Finally getting on the bus was the best part of the bus ride. After loading up the bus we got to sit down in the luxury of the bus’s seats. When we got there everyone was ready to get off and find out what cabin they were in.

I would say that my favorite activity was probably canoeing because everyone was bumping into each other. I was partnered with Brandon, a friend of mine. We were getting the most hits on everyone but Stella was playing dirty by attaching themselves to others so when they were stuck the others were stuck with them. But in the end we got them stuck on land then decided to team up with Emma and Beck. All together when Stella hooked us together they got us free and we got them free. I think our strong point was when we pushed everyone onto land.

The best things that happened to me there was that I learned with one arm you’re not put down but brought up. What I mean by that is I was grounded but I got past and made it to the top of the sky hammock. I think my favorite thing about the trip was my cabin because almost everyone was my friend. We always made something bad to be amazing. It made us I think the strongest cabin of them. Our friendship made us not get mad but make each other laugh.

John’s Backpack

John’s Finding Someplace Backpack

After reading Finding Someplace Reesie the main character is in a hurricane and has to pack a backpack of supplies. In her backpack she brought important family paperwork. After she went to Ms. Martine’s house. Lastly Ms. Martine’s house sadly flooded.

If I were in that situation I would use my lacrosse backpack because it is extra big. I would bring an umbrella, a phone, a whistle, a crank flashlight and a passport to leave and signal. I would also bring a watch and smart device like an Apple Watch because apple watches can call without service. I would also bring bagged and canned food plus a blanket and a towel. I would bring my knife and bow staff and a water bottle so I can protect myself plus there won’t be any more fresh water. In case we have no money in our new home I would bring a credit card. Flood wise if I fell in the water I would want to bring a life jacket and a water pressure activated float bag for my backpack so my stuff will stay afloat. I also would bring the deed to my home so when I come back we can sell the land to get a new house. That is what I would put in my backpack.

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